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material design. experimental development of bioplastiglomerate materials 

the complexity of the processes around us is constantly changing - adapting to different environmental conditions or disappearing as a result of humanity. however, perhaps the human influence on the processes of a big natural change which bringing the sixth extinction it's only the natural consequence of this civilization and the process of shaping the future world that we can observe and experience today. at this time in the anthropocene period, the biggest challenge we face is philosophical: to realize that this civilization is already dead. the sooner we face our situation and realize that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves, the sooner we will be able to solve the difficult task of adapting to our new reality. in the short term, we should inevitably rethink our relationship with the environment and answer the question: what does it mean for art to face the anthropocene? if art is now doomed to a world that "breaks down" as a direct part of the sediment of human activity, how can creative practices be addressed to social, cultural and political spheres that will survive only in the thin geological layer of the earth? in a world that is living in the period of sixth extinction, the question of the enduring value of art is becoming a very important aspect in creating and rethinking mankind's contribution to the world-forming processes

this is an ongoing project of natural materials research and investigations of landscape assimilation while speculating on possible future scenarios on a macro and micro scale. the vision of the future is presented through bioplastic artefacts - a series of material assimilation experiments and documentation of the relationship with the natural surface of the biosphere

increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere increase air and water temperatures, so the sea level are rising rapidly, according to a new study of NASA. if the pace of growth continues to change at this rate, it would be up to in less than 100 years. sea level will rise by at least 65 centimeters, and this is enough to cause catastrophic pressures on coastal urban communities and natural ecosystems

my creative research for this project is conducted in areas which are at risk in the near future. observations of the assimilation of materials with natural land surfaces are planned to be started locally, in my home country lithuania - on the shores of the baltic sea and the nemunas river delta

starting from a local scale, the aim is to expand the project to other areas and different sea coasts. a few locations like amsterdam, boston (UK), venice, etc. are planned for future research. the aim is to show the catastrophic effects we are not yet prepared for, not in numbers, statistics and data, but to create and present a more subjective and emotional way to feel and understand the problem and its complexity through the design artefacts and speculation of future scenarios. the artefacts for this project are created from biodegradable materials that will eventually decompose (depending on selected materials) and penetrate into natural geological layers, forming new materials for the future as a legacy of humanity's activity and identity. the project exploration returns to the natural origins of nature and transformational journeys to investigate what happens when bioplastic materials interact and mutate together with natural surfaces, and focus on rapidly rising sea levels, capturing declining surface areas, exploring current challenges and potential future applications of bioplastics materials

compositions of landscape movements and quietness captured during this research will give an insight into the anthropocene period which we can testify while living in a real change of this era. the objects created during the project will reveal the direct relation of humans and nature, draw attention to humanity's influence on a climate change processes and provoke emotional change while creating and presenting the materials artefacts and unique design objects as human contribution to the world-forming processes

more artefacts and future scenarios coming soon

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